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Spring is for Sprouting!


Spring has finally sprung in Canada! This calls for a celebration! What better way to enhance that spirit of growth and renewal (that I also spoke of in my detox blog) than sprouting?! You can literally witness the amazing process of a dormant seed coming to life!

Not only are sprouts really adorable temporary house plants, but they are incredibly easy to grow yourself. They take very little commitment (just a rinse twice daily), space (just the size of a jar, and no sunlight needed!), and resources (both financial and physical- just add water!). And best of all, they're extremely nutritious bundles of goodness, jam-packed with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and live enzymes.

Give me one good reason why you should not start sprouting, IMMEDIATELY. I dare you.

So, how do we do this?

You will need: A mason jar 2 Squares of cheesecloth Sprouting seeds (I use "Mumm's", available at any health food store) 1. Cut 2 squares of cheesecloth ~2 inches wider than mason jar mouth. 2. Put desired amount of seeds in jar (1-2 tbsp). 3. Place cheesecloth atop opening, secure with mason jar ring. 4. Pour water into jar, rinse and drain. Refill with 1c. of water, let soak (usually 2-5 hours, will be noted on packaged sprouting seeds). Drain.

5. Rinse and drain twice per day til they have sprouted to your heart's desire! (Usually ~4-5 days). Then refrigerate. Or eat them all. Tada! Beautiful homemade sprouts for your enjoyment, and your health! It doesn't come any fresher! These are instructions for sprouting seeds, but you can experiment with legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains (just keep in mind that the process will vary by type). Sprouting nuts and seeds removes the enzyme inhibitors, thus making them easier to digest and activating live enzymes, so it's a great treatment for nuts and seeds! If the seeds, legumes, and grains are "normal" and not intended for sprouting, some are treated so that they will not sprout, so you may want to research your particular legume/grain beforehand.

Lastly, one wee tip: With the very tiny seeds, such as red clover, broccoli, brown mustard, etc., they have a tendency to go moldy due to moisture. To get the most moisture out, I recommend that you really shake the jar rather hard when draining, as well as dabbing the open end on a towel after draining. Since doing this I have never had moldy sprouts.

Happy sprouting, please let me know how it goes!

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